Teamwork & Teambuilding: reach high & far



Teamwork TeambuildingTeamwork & Teambuilding: reach high & far’ course will equip the participants with essential knowledge and tips on how they can become better team members, how they can get their team to work more effectively as well as how to lead a team into success. The course gives emphasis on the essential tips for creating member teams, such as fostering open communication, building trust, setting clear goals and harnessing/capitalizing on diversity. This is a masterclass course taught by high-calibre trainers and professionals with vast practical experience in working and building up international teams.

Nowadays, it is widely accepted that a critical element of success for a team is the diversity of skills and personalities. This diversity can be harnessed in such a manner that team members can use their strengths in full but at the same time compensate for each other’s weaknesses. Another critical element of team work success is that all team efforts are directed towards the same clear goals, the team goals. In this respect, team work success largely relies on good communication in the team and the harmony in member relationships. On the other hand, team building skills are critical for effective management and leadership. Team building skills are essential not only for those who are on a managerial and/or leadership role but for all employees, given that better understanding of team work can make an employee/team member more effective and efficient at professional level.

This is the 5-day training course that can be funded by Erasmus+ KA1 programme (staff mobility)

  • Understand the benefits of Team work
  • Contribute effectively to team membership
  • Communicate positively and productively with team
  • Understand Team Roles and Synergy in the Overlap of Teams
  • Understand the role of the Team Leader and establish productive relationships
  • Understand Team planning within operational and strategic requirements
  • Increase self confidence
WHY ‘Teamwork & Teambuilding: reach high & far’?

Teamwork TeambuildingThe Teamwork & Teambuilding course is an intensive, interactive development program for those working in, or leading teams. Teams or individuals participating in the teamwork & teambuilding course will achieve greater results than the combined efforts of their best individual team members.

Effective teamwork typically occurs when team members know their roles, understand the project objectives, communicate effectively and solve problems efficiently. A great team, encourages each person appreciate diversity, value the contributions of others, manage time effectively and resolve conflict. This usually enables high levels of productivity.

Social scientists and group-theory researchers study teams to develop theories to define effective practices. Business-administration programs teach team techniques, and employers ask management-job applicants questions about team-building techniques and practices. An understanding of teamwork theory helps impress job interviewers and also improves work management.

Team work is a great way to get things done. There is something very powerful about connecting a group of people to a common understanding, and all working for one ultimate goal. This however can be a very daunting task to perform because of the magnitude of the objective. This is where a keen understanding of teamwork is very beneficial.

Each session is designed to be highly interactive and participatory, using a combination of techniques, including case studies, role-plays, small group exercises, large group discussions, and individual reflection. Participants will be able to use the practical exercises, tools, and resources both during and after the workshop to improve their internal teamwork.

The Teamwork & Teambuilding course assists forward thinkers to develop more of the unfulfilled potential of both the individual members and the group as a whole.


The TEAM course is ideal for:

  • School principals & directors (primary & secondary)
  • Teachers (primary & secondary)
  • Academic staff (tertiary)
  • Directors & personnel in International coordination offices (tertiary)
  • Newly appointed managers
  • Team leaders and team members
  • Professionals interested in acquiring effective teamwork skills
  • Directors/managers
  • Trainers





– Introducing Teams and Goals

– Team Goal setting (exercise)

– Definition and Theories of Teams

– Characteristics of Effective Teams

– The importance of Communication (exercise)

– Team Problem solving (exercise)


– Team Roles

– Work streams – Overlapping, & specialist teams

– Building Teams (exercise)

– Team Development Stages (exercise)

– Teamwork Challenges (case studies)

– Improving Team interactions (exercise)


– Leadership roles (exercise)

– Leadership definitions and styles

– Effective boundaries for Leaders and members

– Clarify the purpose of the team (case study)

– The Importance of Vision (exercise)

– Effective Influencing (exercise)

– Individual and Team Motivation (exercise)


– Organising and participating in team meetings

– Dealing with deadlines

– Decision making as teams and individuals

– Developing Effective Communication


– Dealing with team conflict

– Dealing with team politics

– Dealing with overly aggressive & non participating team members

– Dealing with difficult decisions

– Dealing with breaks in confidentiality

– Overview & reflections



teambuilding_2The course methodology will ensure the active involvement of the participants in all phases, that is, prior,
with the organiser of the course, ShipCon, and the trainer as well as to request any clarification related to the content of the course.

The methodology of the training is based on a combination of three important elements:

  • Provision of knowledge required (theory)
  • Use of training tools, such as case studies, videos, games, animations & exercises (practice – hands on experience)
  • Feedback/reflection (review)

During the delivery of the course, the participants will receive hard copy material, which will cover the content to be presented in all five (5) days of the seminar. The material will be presented in a form of Power Point (PPT) presentations, videos & animations. Moreover, the active involvement and hands on experience of the participants will be secured through various training tools, such as case studies, worksheets, scenarios & exercises. These training tools are necessary to ensure that the theoretical knowledge gained by the participants can be used in real life scenarios; an important aspect & added value for any training course.

At the final day of the course, the participants will have the opportunity to reflect on the information received and the experience gained in the specific field of study. Moreover, the participants and their institutions will be encouraged to be members of ShipCon ‘Network of Excellence’, an international hub and forum for entrepreneurs & innovators to exchange ideas, novel concepts/approaches & best practices in the area of environment and education.


The course is ideal for a wide range of professionals, leaders, managers and all those wishing to acquire valuable knowledge on the importance of team work and team building techniques.

Upon completion, participants in this course will be able to:

  • Understand the meaning of a team & build a high performance team
  • Improve individual and group productivity
  • Understand development of potential of both individuals and the whole team
  • Establish clearly defined team goals and develop a Plan of Action to achieve them
  • Determine clear roles and responsibilities within teams & Improve communication within the team
  • Understand the Qualities Needed for Team Leaders/Executive Team Members
  • Identify and respond to the needs of individuals using different motivational techniques
  • Identify those characteristics of the team (i.e., group objectives and individual and collective abilities) that impact on a person’s leadership strategy and control their effect on team output


Certificate of attendance & certificate of competence (skills & competences required – Europass CV)

Europass mobility certificates – to be issued by the applicant’s National Authority (NA)

PRAGUE - CZECH REPUBLIC07.07.2025 - 11.07.2025CONFIRMEDregister
LIMASSOL - CYPRUS02.03.2026 - 06.03.2026CONFIRMEDregister
PRAGUE - CZECH REPUBLIC06.07.2026 - 10.07.2026CONFIRMEDregister
LIMASSOL - CYPRUS01.03.2027 - 05.03.2027CONFIRMEDregister
PRAGUE - CZECH REPUBLIC05.07.2027 - 09.07.2027CONFIRMEDregister

List of all ShipCon Erasmus+ upcoming confirmed courses here