Supporting Mental Well being in Education


Supporting Mental Well being in Education (SMWE) is a masterclass course that supports all those involved in the management/coordination or delivery of education across school, further and higher education settings

The EU Joint Action on Mental health and Well-being launched in 2013 resulted in the European Framework for Action on Mental Health and Wellbeing, which supports EU-countries to review their policies and share experiences in improving policy efficiency and effectiveness. It aims to:

  • Develop mental health promotionand prevention and early intervention programmes
  • Ensure the transition to comprehensivemental health treatment and quality care
  • Strengthen knowledgeevidence and best practicesharing in mental health.

Educators have a key role in taking this strategy forward and embedding good practice throughout educational establishments.

Given the changing world and impacts of social media – anxieties about climate change, identity and a range of concerns which specifically affect current student groups at all levels, educators face challenges which are specific to the 2020s as incidences of mental health difficulties in children and young people escalate.

The course will offer substantial help and benefit to a wide range of individuals, such as. school principals, (directors) heads of department, teaching and lecturing staff, researchers, psychologists as well as those working with specific projects and initiatives.

The course covers many important areas of mental health difficulty, as well as the implications for teaching and learning where mental health issues impact classroom settings.

Moreover, the course offers the opportunity to consider interventions and approaches to support, and the strategic view on the promotion of Mental Well – being across age groups.

This course has been developed by our team of expert trainers, due to popular demand arising from our popular ‘Identify Barriers to Learning’ training, which focuses on the impact of Learning Difficulties in the classroom




  • Acquire deeper knowledge of mental health issues and how they impact on students
  • Clarify and Understand the role of the Educator in supporting mental wellness
  • Identify support strategies for classroom settings, and working with risk
  • Identification and interventions for changing and modern day issues in the classroom
  • How to work with Parents and external teams
  • Understand the need for strategic approaches and developing action plans



Mental health issues can pose a huge problem for students in terms of academic and social success in school

Mental health problems have a variety of causes and take a variety of forms. Treatment may involve several types of intervention and support, which need to be delivered in an integrated and carefully coordinated way. Responses will be guided primarily by the insights and expertise of mental health professionals. However, because educators play an important role in the lives of most children and youth, they need to be aware of mental health issues that may affect students and understand how to contribute to a multifaceted response.

Most estimates suggest that 15 to 20 per cent of children and youth struggle with a mental health problem. This could mean that in a classroom of thirty students, five or six students may be experiencing a mental health problem, and three or four of them may have a problem that significantly interferes with their daily life.

Educators often see students who are struggling – students who engage in challenging behaviour and act out, or who are withdrawn and anxious. Such behaviour may signal problems that can interfere with students’ achievement at school and their social functioning. While educators cannot and should not attempt to diagnose mental health problems, they have an important role in:

  • promoting positive mental health at school;
  • identifying students who may have mental health problems; and
  • connecting those students with appropriate services.



The SMWE course is ideal for:

  • School principals & directors (primary & secondary)
  • Teachers (primary & secondary)
  • Academic staff (tertiary)
  • Psychologists
  • Policy makers
  • Trainers (formal & non formal education)
  • Parents



The course methodology will ensure the active involvement of the participants in all phases, that is, prior, during and after the delivery of the course. More specifically, upon confirmation that the course will take place, the participants will receive preparatory material (if needed), which will cover all important concepts to be presented during the delivery of the course. The participants will have the opportunity to exchange feedback with the organiser of the course, ShipCon, and the trainer as well as to request any clarification related to the content of the course.

The methodology of the training is based on a combination of three important elements:

  • Provision of knowledge required (theory)
  • Use of training tools, such as case studies, videos, games, animations & exercises (practice – hands on experience)
  • Feedback/reflection (review)

During the delivery of the course, the participants will receive material, which will cover the content to be presented in all five (5) days of the seminar. The material will be presented in a form of Power Point (PPT) presentations, videos & animations. Moreover, the active involvement and hands on experience of the participants will be secured through various training tools, such as case studies, worksheets, scenarios & exercises. These training tools are necessary to ensure that the theoretical knowledge gained by the participants can be used in real life scenarios; an important aspect & added value for any training course.

At the final day of the course, the participants will have the opportunity to reflect on the information received and the experience gained in the specific field of study. Moreover, the participants and their institutions will be encouraged to be members of ShipCon ‘Network of Excellence’, an international hub and forum for entrepreneurs & innovators to exchange ideas, novel concepts/approaches & best practices in the area of environment and education.



The course provides an in depth knowledge of the so called  mental health difficulty, as well as the implications for teaching and learning where mental health issues impact classroom settings.

By the end of the course, delegates will be capable to:

  • Identify support strategies for classroom settings, and working with risk
  • Work with Parents and external teams
  • Understand the need for strategic approaches and developing action plans

The participants will:

  • Acquire deeper knowledge of mental health issues and how they impact on students
  • Clarify and Understand the role of the Educator in supporting mental wellness
  • Acquire detailed knowledge when it comes to the identification and interventions for changing modern day issues in the classroom


  • Certificate of attendance & certificate of competence (skills & competences required – Europass CV)
  • Europass mobility certificates– to be issued by the applicant’s National Authority (NA)


Day 1  

             Overview of Child and Youth Mental Health and Addiction Problems

             Causation in diverse modern society

             Statistical evidence across EU partner countries

             Global and EU Policy frameworks

             Diagnosed and undiagnosed students – working practice

             The role of the Educator in supporting multi- disciplinary thinking

Day 2

             Privacy and confidentiality – age and legal implications

             Identifying signs, symptoms and trigger areas

             Educational Implications for students

             Mental Health in Refugee and migrant groups – life after trauma

             Anxiety disorders across age groups

             Signs and symptoms of anxiety disorders- Identification and support strategies

             Working with Stress in the classroom

             Mood problems and disorders – Depression and Bipolar – Identification and support strategies

Day 3

              Impulsivity ADD / ADHD – Identification and support strategies.

              Identifying levels of ‘problem’ behavior and implications in class

              Understanding groups, conforming, and resulting impacts – i.e. bullying

              Eating and weight related disorders – Identification and support strategies

Day 4        

              Addictive disorders – alcohol, substance abuse, gambling

              Support, intervention and Legal implications

              Informing and Supporting Parents

              Self- harm and Suicide –

              Risk Identification and support strategies

DAY 5      

               The Mental well – being checklist

               Reducing Stigma

               Initiatives related to student behavior

               Approaches to promoting mental well – being in the classroom

               Talking with Students about mental well – being

               Development of meaningful family, school, and community relationships;

               Developing Strategy

BARCELONA – SPAIN17.11.2025 – 21.11.2025CONFIRMEDregister
PALERMO – ITALY29.06.2026 – 03.07.2026CONFIRMEDregister
LIMASSOL – CYPRUS26.10.2026 – 30.10.2026CONFIRMEDregister
PALERMO – ITALY28.06.2027 – 02.07.2027CONFIRMEDregister
LIMASSOL – CYPRUS25.10.2027 – 29.10.2027CONFIRMEDregister