ICT skills for Educators: The Artificial Intelligence Advantage


ICT skills is required by all businesses and educators in today’s world. Information and Communication technology (ICT) has the potentialICT skills for Educators to transform teaching and learning processes. According to a recent study in OECD countries, students are more sophisticated in their use of technology than teachers; an inherent discrepancy between student knowledge and usage of ICTs with the abilities of teacher to use ICTs. This suggest that teacher inexperience and skill deficiencies may often be a fundamental factor which prevents the effectiveness of ICT use in education. The same study reveals that the most effective uses of ICT are those in which the teacher, aided by ICTs, may challenge understanding and thinking of pupils, and this can be done through whole-class discussions and/or individual/small group workshops using ICTs. Nowadays, it is widely accepted that the use of ICTs should not aim at completely transforming teacher practices in and of itself but rather enabling and supporting the move from traditional ‘teacher-centric’ teaching styles to more ‘learner-centric’ methods. In other words, making each one of the students active and fully engaged. The ‘ICT skills for Educators’ course is designed to enable participants to improve their teaching practices with the use of specific ICT tools, such as smart boards, web conferencing and webinars, among others, thus, creating a ‘learner-centric’ classroom.  This is an ideal course for all teachers, educators & trainers interested in continuing professional development (CPD).

This is the 5-day training course that can be funded by Erasmus+ KA1 programme (staff mobility)

Main Aims

  •       To guide participants in their achievement of the course learning outcomes
  •       To provide opportunities for participants to reflect on their own practice
  •        Prepare participants for implementing course content in their own classrooms
  •       Enhance participants’ skills to develop their learners’ digital skills and literacy
  •       To provide a technological toolkit for educators and improve the level of key competences and ICT skills
  •       To access a variety of on-line resources to promote good practice in education
  •       Share best practices, ideas and materials between colleagues within the EU

Why ‘ICT skills for Educators’?

The course will allow educators to interact with others to improve their level of IT skills at their own pace enabling their updated knowledge to be used for school improvement. ICTE will improve the educator’s ability to use innovative and student-centred learning approaches and develop appropriate assessment to move their learners forward in their use of ICT. ICTE will enhance the participant’s ability to reduce low achievement of their pupils and students in ICT at the same time developing their pupils’ critical thinking when using ICT. The participants will be able to develop lessons for diverse learners – learners with special needs to high achievers by improving their own confidence to offer IT support. Participants will become a confident user of ICT across a range of medias and applications.

Who to attend ‘ICT skills for Educators’?

The ICTE course is ideal for:

  • School principals & directors (primary & secondary)
  • Teachers (primary & secondary)
  • Academic staff (tertiary)
  • Directors & personnel in International coordination offices (tertiary)
  • Directors/managers (companies/NGOs)
  • IT professionals
  • Trainers (formal & non formal education)




  • Introduction and course overview
  • Ice breaking – team builder game
  • Individual expectations – What do you know and what do you want to achieve?
  • Discussion on what is ICT and  listing a range of medias and applications
  • Main strategies supporting ICT implementation in education.
  • Support from education institution administration and the community
  • Role of the educator and its confidence and motivation
  • Introduction/Use of ICTs in my organisation


  • Warm-up – Alliteration Introductions.
  • Educators’ subject knowledge influences how ICTs are used: technical abilities.
  • Practical exercises in identifying benefits and challenges in using ICT
  • ICT tools in education: Input source, output source and others
  • Practical exercises in creating animated slideshows
  • Web Conferencing/Meeting/Webinars


  • Social media
  • Practical exercises in designing and creating a blog
  • Online information resources: encyclopedia, libraries, journals, magazines
  • Reflections of the day, discussion


  • Exploring AI tools and technologies
  • AI-driven classroom and chatbots
  • Hands-on activity: Exploring and interacting with different AI-powered educational tools
  • Reflections of the day, discussion


  • Quick quiz
  • Revisit the Flip chart from Monday. Have we achieved what we aimed for?
  • Confidence building and time for questions.
  • Show the animated slideshows given as homework on Tuesday.
  • Ethical dilemmas
  • Reflection on using resources and give out resources
  • Summary and course evaluation
  • Quote of the day and reflection



ICT skills for EducatorsThe course methodology will ensure the active involvement of the participants in all phases, that is, prior, during and after the delivery of the course. More specifically, upon confirmation that the course will take place, the participants will receive preparatory material (if needed), which will cover all important concepts to be presented during the delivery of the course. The participants will have the opportunity to exchange feedback with the organiser of the course, ShipCon, and the trainer as well as to request any clarification related to the content of the course.

The methodology of the training is based on a combination of three important elements:

  • Provision of knowledge required (theory)
  • Use of training tools, such as case studies, videos, games, animations & exercises (practice – hands on experience)
  • Feedback/reflection (review)

During the delivery of the course, the participants will receive hard copy material, which will cover the content to be presented in all five (5) days of the seminar. The material will be presented in a form of Power Point (PPT) presentations, videos & animations. Moreover, the active involvement and hands on experience of the participants will be secured through various training tools, such as case studies, worksheets, scenarios & exercises. These training tools are necessary to ensure that the theoretical knowledge gained by the participants can be used in real life scenarios; an important aspect & added value for any training course.

At the final day of the course, the participants will have the opportunity to reflect on the information received and the experience gained in the specific field of study. Moreover, the participants and their institutions will be encouraged to be members of ShipCon ‘Network of Excellence’, an international hub and forum for entrepreneurs & innovators to exchange ideas, novel concepts/approaches & best practices in the area of environment and education.



By the end of the course, delegates will have acquired capabilities to:

  • To be able to provide technical support to learners in a confident manner
  • Have experience of using ICT to support learning and teaching, creating and implementing their own e-learning solutions
  • Be a confident user of ICT across a range of media and applications
  • Have a positive attitude towards sharing of practice within their own workplace. Be able to promote the use of ICT as a driver to increase quality and relevance of education at all levels.
  • Understand and acknowledge the risks relating to the tools we use in ICT.


  • Certificate of attendance & certificate of competence (skills & competences required – Europass CV)
  • Europass mobility certificates – to be issued by the applicant’s National Authority (NA)
BARCELONA - SPAIN31.03.2025 - 04.04.2025CONFIRMEDregister
PALERMO - ITALY24.11.2025 - 28.11.2025CONFIRMEDregister
VALENCIA - SPAIN16.02.2026 – 20.02.2026CONFIRMEDregister
BARCELONA - SPAIN20.04.2026 - 24.04.2026CONFIRMEDregister
PALERMO - ITALY30.11.2026 - 04.12.2026CONFIRMEDregister
VALENCIA - SPAIN15.02.2027 – 19.02.2027CONFIRMEDregister
BARCELONA - SPAIN19.04.2027 - 23.04.2027CONFIRMEDregister
PALERMO - ITALY29.11.2027 - 03.12.2027CONFIRMEDregister

List of all ShipCon Erasmus+ upcoming confirmed courses here