Emotional Intelligenece – Resources

1.        Boyatzis, R., Rochford, K., and Cavanagh, K. V. 2017.Emotional intelligence competencies in engineer’s effectiveness and engagement.
2.        Boyatzis, R. E. 2018.The behavioral level of emotional intelligence and its measurement.
3.        Brackett, M. A., and Mayer, J. D. 2003.Convergent, discriminant, and incremental validity of competing measures of emotional intelligence.
4.        Brackett, M. A., Rivers, S. E., Shiffman, S., Lerner, N., and Salovey, P. 2006.Relating emotional abilities to social functioning: a comparison of self-report and performance measures of emotional intelligence
5.        Dulewicz, V., Higgs, M., and Slaski, M. 2003.Measuring emotional intelligence: content, construct and criterion-related validity.
6.        Mayer, J. D., Caruso, D. R., and Salovey, P. 1999.Emotional intelligence meets traditional standards for an intelligence.
7.        Salovey P, Mayer J, Caruso D. 2004Emotional intelligence: Theory, findings, and implications. 
8.        Cherniss C. 2010Emotional intelligence: Towards clarification of a concept
9.        Wong CS, Law KS. 2004The effects of leader and follower, Emotional intelligence performance and attitude: An explanatory study.
10.    Giardini A, Frese M. 2006Reducing the negative effects of emotion work in service occupations: Emotional competence as a psychological resource.
11.    Petrides K. V., Pita R., and Kokkinaki F. 2007The location of trait emotional intelligence in personality factor space.
12.    chutte N. S., Malouff J. M., and Thorsteinsson E. B. 2013Increasing emotional intelligence through training: Current status and future directions.
13.    Chiva R., and Alegre J. 2008Emotional intelligence and job satisfaction: The role of organizational learning capability.
14.    Slaski M., and Cartwright S. 2002Health, performance and emotional intelligence: An exploratory study of retail managers.
15.    Gardner L., and Stough C. 2002Examining the relationship between leadership and emotional intelligence in senior level managers.
16.    Cooper R. K. 1997Applying emotional intelligence in the workplace. 
17.    George J. M. 2000Emotions and Leadership: The Role of Emotional Intelligence.
18.    Cha J, Cichy RF, Kim SH. 2008The contribution of emotional intelligence to social skills and stress management skills among automated foodservice industry executives.
19.    Dulewicz V, Higgs M. 2003Leadership at the top: The need for emotional intelligence in organizations. 
20.    Boyatzis R. E., and Saatcioglu A. 2008A 20-year view of trying to develop emotional, social and cognitive intelligence competencies in graduate management education.