Carmelo Pollichino
Carmelo Pollichino is an experienced non-formal education trainer and a member of SALTO-YOUTH platform. He has a lot of experience as a trainer in areas such as social entrepreneurship, non-formal educational and multicultural learning activities, intergenerational dialogue, communication skills, creative thinking and problem solving, among others. These trainings have equipped him with vast knowledge and expertise in mastering tools and new methodologies on how to create a social business and bring a positive impact on society, ensuring social inclusion and economic development through social entrepreneurship, exploiting and exploring the opportunities offered by social media and solving problems within organizations and in groups.
Carmelo has participated in many EU funded projects, such as ‘ArtS’, a three-year Erasmus+ project aimed at the exploitation of the cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) potential for creating growth and jobs and at the enhancement of cultural economy at local, regional, national and transnational levels, under the capacity of Project Manager.
Carmelo is a graduate from the Professional Institute for Commercial and Tourist Services S. Friscia, Sciacca (AG) and he holds a bachelor degree from the University of Palermo in Business Administration.