Shumran Hafoudh


Shumran Hafoudh is an experienced trainer and counselor in the field of immigration who works for various public and private institutions. He lectures courses focused on providing immigrants with basic information on their rights and obligations which are bound to their residence in the Czech Republic, whilst supporting their integration into Czech society. The main areas of his specialty are residence permits, employment, business, education, culture, health care and social security. In relation to employment he conducts specific workshops focused on strengthening communication skills of unemployed immigrants to help them access the Czech labor market. His training experience also includes working with officials and other public authority representatives who are in contact with immigrants or who are in any way interested in the topic of immigration. The development of his skills in the field of immigration gradually led him to the establishment of a recruitment agency, Foreign Employment Services, which focuses on immigrants and endeavors to work closely with employers on integrating them into their workforce.